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Florida's Premier Bike Shop and Triathlon Store. Click here to Book Service Now.
Florida's Premier Bike Shop and Triathlon Store.


Get Fast Check List:

  1. Find someone to help you. Get a coach, join a triathlon group, find a training buddy. 

  2. Focus on the fundamentals.  

    1. 3 swims, 3 bikes, 3 runs a week - one being a brick.

  3. Strength train: not just in the gym but in the three disciples.  Use tools like an elastic tubing on your ankles while you swim with paddles, low gear work on the bike and running uphill.  

  4. STOP fearing your finish time. 

  5. Treadmill running - to build a faster cadence. 

  6. Run on tired legs - the brick. 3 times runs a day instead of a long run…

  7. Get a good bike fit - Optimizing your bike fit not only improves your performance, but also increases comfort while decreasing your odds of injury.

  8. Find a good wetsuit - try a few one, 

  9. The right run shoes - shoes, as soon as you put them on should be comfortable.  You shouldn’t have to break in a shoe.  Nor should you feel anything that causes you even the slightest discomfort.  

  10. Experiment with your rhythm and cadence - in all disciplines.

  11. Find your mantra

  12. Track your performance. 

  13. Jump in a local 5K or swim/bike time trial

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